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10 UX Hacks to Improve Conversion

Amber Coffman
These days, it’s hard to have a conversation about Digital Marketing without mentioning conversions. Simply put, conversions are what happens when website visitors or app users take an action that converts them from being a stranger to being engaged with your brand.

This action could be entering their email address into a form. 

It could be scheduling a 15-minute phone call to discuss their needs. 

Or, it could be making a purchase online. 

The frequency at which users convert is known as—you guessed it—conversion rate. 

Every conceivable aspect of your website, app, or software title contributes to your conversion rate. 

Every small UX decision results in some quantifiable impact on how often users convert from prospects to customers

The reality is that there are limitless opportunities to improve the user experience in some way, shape, or form. In this blog post, we’re going to explore ten of the most effective UX ‘hacks’ that can be used by virtually any company—large, medium, or small—to drive conversions and gain more loyal customers. 

UX Hack #1: Make Page Speed a Priority

The rapid advancements we’ve seen in broadband and 4k technology have completely changed user expectations related to page speed. 

Just ten years ago, it might have been acceptable for a website to take longer than a few seconds to load or for a GPS navigation app to lag while its hardware catches up. Now, however, users demand an immediate experience when they visit a website or run an app for the first time. If they don’t get this within seconds, your brand stands a likely chance of being degraded. And, when your brand starts to go, trust often goes along with it. 

In fact, websites that delay page loading by as few as two seconds are likely to experience as high as an 87% abandonment rate

UX Hack #2: Identify the Goal of Every Page

Every single page on your website should have a clear, concise goal. 

The goal could be to get the user to submit their email address. Other pages can have the goal of educating site visitors in an effort to keep them engaged with your brand. Yet other pages can aim to get the user to pull out their credit card and make an online purchase right then and there. 

If you don’t know the goal of every page across your website, identify it and tailor the UX for each page to that goal. Doing so will do wonders for your conversion rates. 

UX Hack #3: Level-Up your Contact Form

For most internet users, information is the principle reason they visit a website. 

They may want product information, a phone number to call, or perhaps they want a referral to a dealer. Or, maybe they want some other information related to the product or service you offer. 

Effective UX dictates that a strong contact form is essential in giving the user an easy, fast way to engage with your company. However, not all contact forms are created equal. For example, research shows that contact forms that confirm data submission perform better than contact forms that do not include this step. 

To increase your conversion rates, give your contact form an overhaul and ensure that it’s the best it could possibly be. 

UX Hack #3.5: Follow Up on Leads within 24 Hours

We consider this hack to be closely related to number three above, but different enough to warrant its own mention. 

During the first 24 hours after a site visitor or app user has engaged with you for the first time, you have a golden opportunity to establish a dialog with a potential customer. While following up with leads isn’t directly tied to on-site conversions, it does go a long way in helping the ultimate KPI of lead-to-close. 

Even if your lead follow-up process is an automated one, ensure that you have such a plan in place. 

UX Hack #4: Make Your Site or App UX ‘Device Agnostic’

To achieve the highest conversion rate, your website or app must delight customers regardless of what device they’re using to interact with your company. 

This means optimizing for mobile responsiveness and functionality. Google’s search algorithms actually prioritize websites that play well with mobile devices. That’s something to take to heart, especially when 94% of internet searches come from Google

UX Hack #5: Make Your Content Easy to Scan 

This may seem counterintuitive. You want visitors to stay on your site longer, right? If that’s true, why would you make your content easy to not read?

The reason is because many website visitors aren’t interested in reading everything they encounter on a page. Instead, they want quick, digestible data their eyes can fetch for them the moment they hit your homepage. 

To achieve this, use subheaders, lots of white space, and bulleted lists where appropriate. This will allow for easier scanning, giving users what they want faster.

UX Hack #6: Tackle Broken Links

It’s a matter of time before links break. 

Servers are changed, domains are altered, and website administrators change platforms all the time. This has the ripple effect of serving users with 404 errors when a link on your website suddenly goes out of commission. 

To thwart this, Wordpress users can install broken link detection plug-ins. Alternatively, conducting a quarterly link validation might be worth considering. 

Also, if you don’t have a customized 404 redirect page, it might be a good idea to create one. 

Between fixing broken links and keeping 404 redirect traffic on your website, you’ll be safeguarding the health of your conversion rate and brand equity. 

UX Hack #7: Reach Out and Interview Your Users

If your visitors become customers, and they opt-in to receive communications from you, why not call them and ask them about their experience in dealing with your company?

You will likely be surprised at the insights you’ll obtain from new customers who have a working memory of the interaction that brought them to you. These insights can be used to make UX decisions that will drive up your conversion rate.

Need tips on performing a user interview? Check out this guide

UX Hack #8: Add Video to Your Landing Page

We know that a wide variety of emotions are responsible for compelling website visitors or app users to click on something or to take some other action. 

What better way to incite emotion than with a video? 

Adding a video to your landing page can skyrocket conversion rates. This video doesn’t even have to be some expensive, over-produced work of animated art. As long as it’s on-brand and engaging, chances are it’ll be an improvement. 

UX Hack #9: Make a Primary Promotional Offer

It’s a good idea to assume that your website visitors or app users need to feel like they’ve found something in interacting with your brand. 

They need to perceive you as having genuine—even quantifiable—value.

There’s no better way to provide this than through a primary promotional offer. 

For a B2C company, this might be 10% off the first order. For B2B, it could be a free download of a white paper or other high-value content. 

Give your prospects a crystal-clear reason to conduct a transaction with you, and they’re going to be much more likely to do so.

UX Hack #10: Bring in the ‘Big Guns’ of UX

For higher conversion rates, no amount of online article reading or A/B testing will replace the value of partnering with a knowledgeable, proven UX consultancy.

If UX isn’t your core competency yet you know you need to focus on various UX elements in order to drive sales, it’s time to call in the experts. 

Orogamis provides full-spectrum UX consulting that is growth-focused and aligned with where you want to take your business. 

Contact us today to learn more.

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